東京の3700万人にイエスのことを伝えましょう!making Jesus known among the 37 million in tokyo.
ミッションの30秒 とは?
ミッションの30秒 とは、あなたのどんな行動も、それが短くささいなもので”あっても、周囲の人々の人生を変えることができるということを私たちが知り、福音を伝えていく使命を日々実践していく方法の一つです。
When we look at the 37 million people in Tokyo who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior, we can feel overwhelmed at the task before us and maybe even discouraged at how we can play a role in that.
30 Seconds of Mission is a way to help us see that any action, short or long, can make a difference in the lives of those around us.
As followers of Jesus, we have been given the honor and task to go into the world and share the good news of what Jesus has done for each of us (John 17:17, Matthew 28:19-29).
Whether we are in the line for the train, visiting a coffee shop, grabbing lunch, chasing kids around the house, or getting groceries, we have so many opportunities to connect with someone around us and give them 30 seconds of our time in hopes that they may have a chance to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
最初の一歩は、まず、あなたも毎週 ミッションの30秒 を実践することを決め参加することです。互いを励ましあい、共に教会としてこの使命を担ってゆけるよう、あなたがこのミッションに参加していることを私たちにもぜひ知らせください。
How to Start
The first step is committing to doing 30 seconds of mission each week. Please let us know that you are participating in this mission so that we can encourage each other and together as a church we can carry out this mission.
When you sign up, you will receive a short email confirming your sign-up and some creative 30 seconds ways to invite someone to Mustard Seed Christian Church Tokyo or an outreach event.
ミッションの30秒 を最近実践しましたか?あなたの体験をぜひ聞かせてください。そして、あなたのストーリーを通して、私たちがこの東京でどのように周りの人々に働きかけ、福音を伝えてゆくことができるのか互いに励ましあいましょう。
Share your story.
Have you done a “30 seconds of mission” recently? We would love to hear your story and use it to help encourage one another in the ways we can reach out to those around us in Tokyo.