復活についての5つの考え - パート5 | 5 Thoughts About the Resurrection - Part 5
If Jesus’ disciples were not certain that Jesus came back to life, they probably wouldn’t have died confessing that Jesus was Lord. By the end of their lives, Jesus’ disciples became so rooted in their belief in the resurrection, they were ultimately killed for it.
復活についての5つの考え- パート4 | 5 Thoughts About the Resurrection - Part 4
It’s not hard to prove that Christianity started in the early first century. But the real question is, why would a religion start and continue that follows a dead man who claimed to be God?
復活についての5つの考え - パート3 | 5 Thoughts About the Resurrection - Part 3
The tomb of Jesus being empty does not prove he resurrected, but, if you do not believe in the resurrection, you must explain why the body of the very famous man, Jesus, was never found. There is no famous tomb of Jesus still remaining. Why not?
復活についての5つの考え - パート2 | 5 Thoughts About the Resurrection - Part 2
1 Corinthians 15 is a chapter in the Bible about the resurrection. British New Testament Scholar James Dunn says that 1 Corinthians was written about 15-20 years after the resurrection took place. This is what the author, Paul, said:
復活についての5つの考え- パート1 | 5 Thoughts About the Resurrection - Part 1
A Roman senator and historian from the 1st Century named Tacitus recorded in his book the events of the great fire in Rome which happened in 64 A.D. Emperor Nero blamed the fire on Christians which caused a lot of persecution to spread. This is what he said:
ホームはどこ? Where is Home?
I've met people who have studied or worked abroad for a year or two and come back asking themselves, "Where is home? Where do I belong?" I've asked the same questions.As a Christian, no part of my life is untouched and unimpacted by God. The Bible has a lot to say about where we live and what home is.
自殺の2つの要因とキリスト教的応答 | Two Suicide Causes and Christian Responses
In 2018, the leading cause of death for many people in Japan was suicide. We can all agree that this is a problem. What are some causes of this? What are some Christian answers to the issue of suicide?
ポルノは社会に良いものなのか? | Is Porn Good for Society?
Both the USA and Japan are some of the top porn producing countries in the world. 1 in 5 of all mobile internet searches are for pornographic content. Is this a problem?
みんなぼっち | Alone Together
Jesus didn't look at me and swipe right. Jesus didn't get tired of my complaining and mute me. Jesus didn't block me when I said I didn't want to have anything to do with him. Jesus looks at me, and you, with perfect loving eyes and compassion.
壊れた家族関係においての希望 | Hope for the Broken Family
I think that we all agree that family dysfunction is a bad thing. In a perfect world, there would be no physical, verbal, nor psychological abuse. We agree that dysfunction in the family can hurt the individuals who make up society. Statistically, children who have grown up in dysfunctional families are more likely to grow up and be a part of dysfunctional families as adults. It can be a vicious cycle. For such a complex problem, we need to dig deeper. Some solutions only address what's outside. The Bible addresses what's inside our own hearts. Consider the following passage from the Bible:
出て叩れた杭のイエス | Jesus, the Nail That Stuck Out and Was Hammered Down
Jesus was not an ordinary man. He was also God. Jesus was a nail that stuck out by preaching the truth to people.
本当は何を売っているの? | What Are They Really Selling?
Why do some commercials make us all feel emotionally connected? Why do we feel drawn to them? The answer is because they offer something that God has made us to crave and desire, and only God can give it. Read more in this week’s blog.
透明トイレと神の愛 | See-Through Toilets and God's Love
I can't help but think of how these new see-through toilets are a conversation starter for how God sees our hearts. The God who created all of us quickly sees through the locks and facades we try to build up in our hearts sees that the inside is anything but clean. It doesn’t matter if we try and hide the bad parts of who we are, God knows. And still, in love and compassion, God offered the perfect sacrifice: His son Jesus Christ.
人目と神の目 | Hitome and Who We Are in God's Eyes
people think of us, what would it be like if each of us thought deeply and frequently about what God thinks of us instead? What if we didn’t only ask the question, "What does society think of me?" but instead prioritized, "What does the one, true God think of me?"
便利と幸福 | Convenience and Happiness
It has been said that "Important things usually take time.” I think there is truth in that. Graduating from school, processes at the government office, buying and selling land, filing taxes, raising children, renewing visas are usually time-consuming and sometimes troublesome. The world has changed dramatically over the last few decades. A lot of things have become convenient, fast, and easy. But if the degree of convenience increases, will happiness increase too?
なぜわたしたちは聖書を学ぶべきなのか?| Why Should We Study the Bible?
Why is it important to read the Bible? We have the feeling that once you know, you may want to learn more about this amazing book. Check out this week’s blog, written by guest author Yuuki Hamasaki.
国と希望 | The Nations and Hope
In what should we place our hopes in this time when any powerful nation could collapse?
無神論者は人種差別に反対し得るか? | Can Atheism Disagree with Racism?
Most everyone agrees that all people, all ethnicities, nationalities, and races are equal. That’s what I believe. Here’s the big question: Why? Why do you believe that all people are equally valuable?
教会の集まりに関するよくある質問 | Frequently Asked Questions About Church Gatherings
We know that a lot of people have never been to a Christian church gathering before. What is it like? Am I really welcome there? These questions, as well as the following, are a few questions we've received from non-Christians when being invited to join us for a Sunday gathering, or church service.
パンデミックの中で家族を築き始める | Starting a Family During a Pandemic
新型コロナウイルスは、短期的にも長期的にも私たちの生活する世界を変えました。パンデミックの最中に初めての子を妊娠していることを知ったとき、そのカップルの頭には何が過るでしょうか? パンデミックの間に子供を迎える両親に平安をもたらすものは何でしょうか?この不完全な世界で家族を築くことにどんな希望がありますか? 今週のブログで詳細をご覧ください。
The coronavirus has changed the world we live in both short-term and long-term. What goes through a couple’s mind when they find out that they’re pregnant with their firstborn in the middle of a pandemic? What gives peace to expectant parents during this time? What hope is there for starting a family in this imperfect world? More on this week’s blog.