壊れた家族関係においての希望 | Hope for the Broken Family
(English below)
今年の4月から毎週水曜日の夜、マスタードシードクリスチャン教会 東京は、インターナショナル・ゴスペル・カフェというバイリンガルのオンラインイベントに参加しています(Facebookでもご覧いただけます)。このイベントでは、タブー視されている様々なトピックについて話します。これまでのトピックは、高齢者、民族の多様性、子育て、難民、養子縁組、人目などです。毎週水曜日の夜8時から、ぜひご参加ください。参加者は、聖書的な視点からこれらのトピックについて話を聞くことができ、また話し合いのグループで自由に自分の考えや意見を共有することができます。
最近、インターナショナル ゴスペル カフェで取り上げたトピックの一つに、壊れた家族関係(不完全機能家族)があります。ここでは、日本の機能不全家族について調べて分かったことをいくつかご紹介します。
ハーバード大学の日米プログラムの准研究員である鎌田佳乃子氏は、この問題はあからさまに無視されていたと言います。"政治家の大半は一般的に保守的で、日本の男性は暴力を振るわないので、日本は欧米と同じような社会問題を抱えていないと思われていた”と彼女はThe Diplomat誌に語りました。家庭内暴力が人権侵害であるという認識が欠如しており、女性は黙っているべきだと思われていました。このことについての詳細はこちらからお読み頂けます。
1. 法
2. お金
3. 薬、治療、健康
マルコの福音書 7章21~23節
あなたの家族があなたを拒絶したり、無視したり、虐待したりしたとしても、イエスはあなたがイエスに従い、ついてゆくことを歓迎しています。聖書は、イエスのもとに来る人は誰でも、追い出されたり、拒絶されたりすることはないと言っています(ヨハネの福音書6:37)。 この希望は、救いのためにイエスに信仰を置く人なら誰でも得ることができます。聖書は私たちに、法律やお金や薬のような一時的で不十分な解決策ではなく、自分自身の内側に目を向けるよう呼びかけています。 完全な父である神は、私たちと私たちの罪を見て、家庭における虐待や育児放棄の悪循環を断ち切るための手段を与えてくださいます。神は私たちの代わりに十字架にかかって苦しみ、死なれたイエスを遣わすことによって、このことを成し遂げてくださいました。罪を悔い改め、イエスに従う者は誰でも神を知り、永遠の命を得ることができます。キリスト教の神を知ることで、私たちは愛され、大切にされ、与えられていると感じるようになります。また、私たちは、悪を善で克服することによって、罪と戦うようになります(ローマ人への手紙12:21)。私たちは、虐待やネグレクトの悪循環を断ち切る希望を体験し始めることができます。
Every Wednesday evening since April of this year, Mustard Seed Christian Church Tokyo has participated in an online bilingual event called International Gospel Cafe (You can also find it on Facebook by clicking here.). We talk about a wide variety of topics that can feel culturally taboo. Previous topics include the elderly, racial diversity, parenting, refugees, adoption, and "Hito me" (人目). We invite you to join us at 8 pm JPT every Wednesday night. Participants can hear about these topics from a Biblical perspective and feel free to share their thoughts and opinions in discussion groups. One topic we have covered recently at International Gospel Cafe is broken (or dysfunctional) families.
Here are some things I learned while researching the topic of dysfunctional families in Japan.
According to an article published at the Japan Times in March of this year (2020), police investigated a record number of domestic violence cases in Japan in 2019, marking the 16th consecutive year of increase. Japan’s National Police Agency released data from 2018 showing 77,480 calls to local police related to domestic violence and gender-based matters. Based on those figures, police took action against 9,088 domestic violence cases across Japan, increasing 666 cases from the previous year.
“Kanoko Kamata, an associate researcher at the Japan-U.S. program of Harvard University, says the problem went blatantly disregarded. “The majority of politicians are generally socially conservative and it was thought Japan did not suffer from the same social problems as the West because Japanese men were not violent,” she told The Diplomat. There was a lack of awareness that domestic violence is an infringement of human rights and women were expected to keep silent.” Read more about this here.
Now, there's a difficulty when dealing with these kinds of statistics. If we are not careful, we can become numb to the significance of what the numbers represent. As Christians, we believe that men and women made in God’s Image God (Genesis 1:27) being abused by the people they have committed to being married to and have children is tragic. Real people living in Tokyo and all around Japan are being neglected and abused by their closest family members. Indeed, this particular issue is closer than you might think. Someone who regularly attends International Gospel Cafe recommended this topic because they have a very dysfunctional, broken family. I’ve known people who I've met here in Japan who have very dysfunctional family situations.
I think that we all agree that family dysfunction is a bad thing. In a perfect world, there would be no physical, verbal, nor psychological abuse. We agree that dysfunction in the family can hurt the individuals who make up society. Statistically, children who have grown up in dysfunctional families are more likely to grow up and be a part of dysfunctional families as adults. It can be a vicious cycle.
This is a serious issue that needs serious solutions. Let’s look at three solutions that have been proposed.
1. Laws
Some people might say, "Let's make it illegal to physically or verbally abuse children." The government could pass that law, but do you really believe that law would completely heal family relationships? Would it really change what people do behind closed doors?
2. Money
Others might believe that money could solve the problem. The reason that low-income families might suffer too much depression as a result of poverty. However, money and physical possessions don't have the power to change our behavior and our compulsive tendencies. It often simply temporarily pacifies us as we avoid the real issues that cause our sinful behaviors. Just because someone is a millionaire, it doesn’t mean they have better relationships than poor people.
3. Medicine and Improved Health
Medication can help treat some mental illnesses, but medication won't heal the emotional scars caused by abuse.
For such a complex problem, we need to dig deeper. The above solutions only address what's outside. The Bible addresses what's inside our own hearts. Consider the following passage from the Bible:
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.
Mark 7:21-23
The Bible teaches that evil is inside all of us. It's within the evil parents and grandparents who abuse their own children. It's within the children who then go on to hurt others. Everyone has sin inside of them. And yet, there is hope.
Though your family may have failed, rejected, neglected, and/or abused you, Jesus welcomes you to follow. The Bible says that whoever comes to Jesus will not be cast out or rejected. (John 6:37) This hope is available to anyone who would put their faith in Jesus for salvation. The Bible calls us to look inside ourselves and not simply at temporary, insufficient solutions like laws, money, and medication. God, the perfect Father, sees us and our sin and gives us the means to break the cycle of abuse and neglect in our families. God did this by sending Jesus, who suffered and died on a cross in our place. God then raised Jesus from the dead, and whoever repents of sin and follows Jesus can know God and have eternal life. As we know the God of Christianity, we begin to feel loved, valued, and provided for. We also begin to fight against the sin by overcoming evil with good. (Romans 12:21) We can start to experience the hope of breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect.
The church is a safe place to talk about how sin in your own life or the lives of those around you has affected you. We hope the Christian Church will always be a place you find open to listening, helping, and offering true words of healing from God’s Word. We have all been affected by sin in one way or another. You are not alone! There is hope. I want to encourage you to take steps to continue to learn about this hope: