みんなぼっち | Alone Together
(English below)
新約聖書の中には、クリスチャンに対し、交流についての指示が与えられている箇所が 50箇所以上あります。互いに赦し合い(コロサイ3:13)、互いに罪を告白し合い(ヤコブ5:16)、互いに仕え合い(ガラテヤ5:13)、互いにもてなし合う(第一ペテロ4:9)ように言われています。他にもたくさんあります。わたしたちは、自分のことより他の人を大切にするように言われています(ピリピ2:3)。これらすべてのことを総合的に見ると、その行動は、人の壊れた状態の中に来られたキリストの行動であることがわかります。人として人の間に住まわれたのは決して心地良い経験でなかったにもかかわらず、イエスは私たちに謙遜に他人のために犠牲になる人生の模範を示してくださいました。他者との交流をデジタル空間に限定していると、このようなことはできません。これが最後のポイントです。
ピリピ人への手紙 2章4~8節
If I asked you to close your eyes and imagine a dream scenario, what would you think about? Maybe a place you'd like to go to? Perhaps a fond memory you have?
Go ahead, try this right now. I'll wait.
The scenario you're thinking of probably wasn't you staring at your phone. There's even a high likelihood that it involves you being with another human being. When we experience good things, we tend to share those good things with those we care about. If I hear a new joke, I love to share that joke with others. Suppose my favorite sports team wins a championship. There's something special about sharing that experience with an arena full of fans rather than alone on my couch.
And yet, many of us trade human interaction for isolation all the time. Our digital life can feel like authentic interactions, but I would argue that it can actually make us tremendously isolated if we're not careful. We consume media at a tremendous rate. We can continuously flip through the channels on TV and select what we want when we want it. If we've had just about enough of our friends sharing their opinions (or what they had for lunch) on social media, we can mute them. We don't even need to "unfriend" them--no one has to know that we stopped listening to them, but we can still appear to be friends. Most of the media we consume even has the misleading title of "social" attached to it. Social media can trick us into believing that we're participating in true-to-life interaction, but it will never truly replace it. There are dangers with substituting digital life for a personal one. Author Sherry Turkle in her book, Alone Together, writes: "Digital connections . . . may offer the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. Our networked life allows us to hide from each other, even as we are tethered to each other."
The Bible can teach us the value of living together in a way that is counter to the cultural norm of digital isolation. The church is a place that disrupts this norm and offers a chance at authentic relationships with others, and to experience the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ through community. I want to share some arguments from the Bible that, I hope, encourage us all to have more in-person interactions with our technology put away.
It is not good to be alone.
The one true God made everything in this world and the entire universe. He created human beings unique and significant among all of His creation (Genesis 1:26-27). We also learn from the Bible that God wasn't satisfied with the man being by himself (Genesis 2:18). God made a helper, an equally valuable and important person; the woman. In the very beginning of the creation of everything, God creates people to be together. This should help us to understand that we were made to be with others.
One another.
There are over 50 places in the New Testament where instructions are given to Christians regarding interaction. We are told to forgive one another (Colossians 3:13), confess sins to one another (James 5:16), serve one another (Galatians 5:13), be hospitable to one another (1 Peter 4:9). There are many more. We're told to regard one another as more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). A comprehensive look at all of these things shows us that our t is to be that of Christ, who entered into humanity's brokenness. Despite it being an uncomfortable experience, Jesus gave us an example of a life of humility and sacrifice for others. This isn't possible for us if we limit our interactions with others to digital spaces. That leads me to the last point.
Jesus came and died for our sins.
The greatest example of love the world has ever and will ever know is Jesus Christ coming to earth, living a perfect life, dying a sinner's death on the cross, and rising from the dead.
In fact, the Bible tells us in the book of Philippians to live counter to the current trend of selectively browsing other people's lives digitally because of Jesus.
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Philippians 2:4–8
Faith in Jesus Christ makes you a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). This isn't an individual experience. It is an experience that brings you into belonging with the family of God, the church. Where we strive to live as the Bible tells us to.
Jesus didn't look at me and swipe left. Jesus didn't get tired of my complaining and mute me. Jesus didn't block me when I said I didn't want to have anything to do with him. Jesus looks at me, and you, with perfect loving eyes and compassion.
These days, human interaction is something many are realizing they've taken for granted. Virus concerns have us understandably wary about interacting with one another in-person, and when we do, we take necessary precautions. Opportunities can and do come to see one another in-person. And when we do, let's not shy away from the work of focusing on these valuable, personal interactions.
Here's a challenge for you. Sometime this week, ask a friend or family member to spend some time with you in person. And, while you're hanging out, leave your phone at home or in your bag. Practice the good, hard work of being fully involved in that person's life.
This is hard work, but worth it.
Mustard Seed Christian Church offers you an opportunity each week to meet with others in person and learn more about God’s love for you from the Bible. To join us in person, check out our website for information on how to join us on Sunday, or send us an email.