Prayer Partners



Prayer Partners are small groups of 3-4 people who meet outside of our church gathering to share what is going on in their lives, encourage each other, and pray for one another. Groups meet monthly on their schedules. We hope everyone in our church has people who know them closely and can pray for them regularly.

We would love to place you in one of our Prayer Partner groups! Please fill out the form below to be placed in a group.

Monthly Thought & Bible Verse


ローマ人への手紙 8章35-39節




Romans 8:35-39

A few weeks ago on Sunday we looked at Romans 8:28-39. The main point of the sermon was “Even if a saved person’s worst fear were to be realized, they cannot take away God’s love from them and God will use those things for their good, so Christians can have peace as they trust in God.”

These verses in Romans 8 give us assurance that even if our worst fears are realized, you would still have the love of God. However, that is not much of a comfort or a solution to you if God is not your greatest treasure. The question was asked, “what is your greatest treasure?” Is God’s love truly your greatest treasure? Or is something else? Is being conformed to the image of Jesus our highest joy?

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