便利と幸福 | Convenience and Happiness


(English below)









It has been said that "Important things usually take time.” I think there is truth in that. Graduating from school, processes at the government office, buying and selling land, filing taxes, raising children, renewing visas are usually time-consuming and sometimes troublesome. Then, if everything goes smoothly and quickly, does that mean it’s better? The world has changed dramatically over the last few decades. A lot of things have become convenient, fast, and easy. But if the degree of convenience increases, will happiness increase too?

As people’s lifestyles have been changing, the idea of a “slow life” has been proposed to us as a way of life. This idea of being efficient and productive does not always mean good is spreading among us. It also doesn’t mean that if everything is slow, you are happy. It might be easily associated with laziness too.

There is something in the Bible that is similar to the idea above.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find i. Matthew 7:13-14

It will be easy to go through the wide gate. It is open to many people. However, the gate that leads to life is narrow and thin. It is said that few people find it. If you dare to find, choose, and go on that path, that means you want to be led to life. It may take some time. It may be hard and intense. You might stumble along the way or something might get in your way. Still, if that path leads to life, our ultimate well-being, and happiness, no matter how inconvenient it is, we should choose it.

"Going through a narrow gate" might be thinking about the purpose of life, seeking the reason of existence, and pondering where we came from and where we will go after death, learning and discussing with people about if God exists, how do we know what’s right and wrong, who sets its standard, choosing and doing the right; good thing even if it’s hard. Those are the things many people avoid by making themselves too busy to think or simply think doesn’t matter to them.

As we live in this time of a pandemic, you might be able to find some time and opportunities to actually think through those questions. If you would like to hear or talk about this life the Bible mentioned and deep things about life as above, we hope to see you at church. It may not be convenient to think about them, but we want to talk more about the life that leads to ultimate happiness with you.

  • Learn the core beliefs of Christianity through the free First Steps materials found here.

  • Attend a Mustard Seed Christian Church worship service in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, or Kobe or listen to sermons online.

  • Send us a message to meet with a church staff member.


人目と神の目 | Hitome and Who We Are in God's Eyes


なぜわたしたちは聖書を学ぶべきなのか?| Why Should We Study the Bible?