教会の集まりに関するよくある質問 | Frequently Asked Questions About Church Gatherings


(English below)

多くの人が今までキリスト教の集まりに行ったことがないと思います。どんな感じなんだろう?本当に行ってもいいのかな?そのような質問は日曜日の集会や教会の礼拝へクリスチャンではない友人を招く時に、よく聞かれることです。 いくつかの質問を1つずつみてゆきましょう。

1. ”クリスチャンではないのですが、キリスト教の教会に行っても大丈夫なのですか?”


他の類の集まりについて考える時に、これはよい質問だと思います。近所の家族から、親戚との集まりを夕食にするから、ご一緒にどうぞ、と誘われたとしても、単なる社交辞令だと思うかもしれません。 「ただの礼儀として言ってくれてるだけだ。自分はその家族の一員ではないので、家族の集まりに水を差すべきではない。」と思うかもしれません。



2. 教会の集まりってどんな感じ?そこで何をするの?

入り口で教会の誰かが待っていてあなたを歓迎します。 個人情報の提供を強要することはありません。教会のほとんどの人はネームタグをつけるので、あなたにもネームタグをお渡しします。呼ばれたいお名前を書いてもらって大丈夫です。


その後は、気軽にその場に残って周りの人と話したりできます。教会の礼拝に参加するための費用は要りません。また、不快に感じることを強要されることもありません。 マスタードシードクリスチャン教会では、出来る限りの方法で皆さんを歓迎するよう努めています。




メモを取ることができるものをお持ちになることをお勧めします。 聖書からの教えの時間、何か質問があれば是非メモしておいて、後でクリスチャンに聞いてみてください。クリスチャンの教会はそのようなことについて話すのに安全な場所であり、たとえ難しいと思われるようなことでも、質問大募集です! クリスチャンは謙虚に聖書からその質問に答えようとしますし、クリスチャンでない方から何を聞かれても、気分を害するべきではありません。

4. 居心地悪いかな...?

そうではないと願います! 皆の前で自己紹介をさせられることはありません。上記のとおり、私たちの目標はあなたに温かく迎えられていると感じてもらうことです。


5. “どうして私を教会の礼拝に誘うの?”




マルコの福音書 12章29~31節





We know that a lot of people have never been to a Christian church gathering before. What is it like? Am I really welcome there? These questions, as well as the following, are a few questions we've received from non-Christians when being invited to join us for a Sunday gathering, or church service. Let's take a look at some questions one at a time.

1. "I'm not a Christian. Is it really okay for me to attend a Christian church?"

The short answer is yes. 

This is a good question as we consider other kinds of gatherings. Even if you received an invitation to have dinner at your neighbor's family reunion, you might think that the invitation was just a form of politeness. You might think, "Oh, they're just being polite. Of course, because I'm not a member of their family I shouldn't attend their family reunion." 

An invitation to a weekly church gathering is not just lip service, however. If you receive an invitation to a church gathering, it's because the inviter really wants you to come! It is not necessary for you to already be a Christian. We truly and sincerely welcome you to visit us so you can learn more about the one, true God.

Many non-Christians have attended and are currently attending Mustard Seed Christian Church services. Christian church gatherings are not closed to people who are not Christians. Some people come who are curious about God. Some seek to learn more English. Others want to learn their purpose in life. Others enjoy the rich community and friendships that they make. Whatever your reason, please know that we look forward to welcoming you! 

2. What is it like? What do we do there?

There will be someone at the door waiting to welcome you. We will not pressure you to give your personal information. Most of the people at the church will be wearing a name tag, so we will offer you one as well. You can write your first name any way you like.

You will likely see people chatting and kids playing. The church service itself will start on time and will include: reading the Bible out loud together, singing worship songs, listening to a teaching from the Bible, and announcements. 

Afterward, you can feel free to stay and chat with the people around you. There is no fee to attend the church service, nor will you be forced to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. At Mustard Seed Christian Churches, we seek to make you feel as welcome as possible.

To see a video of what a Christian church service is like, click here.

3. Do I have to bring anything?

No, you don't have to bring anything. As mentioned before, there is no fee for attending the church service. No gifts are required either.

We encourage you to bring something with which you can take notes. As you hear the message from the Bible, please feel free to write down any questions you have and ask a Christian later. The Christian church is a safe place to talk about these things and we invite your questions, even if they seem difficult! Christians humbly try to answer from the Bible and shouldn't feel offended no matter what non-Christians may ask.

4. Will it be awkward for me?

We hope not! You will not be forced to come to the front of the room and give your self-introduction. Neither will we single you out in front of everyone else. As stated above, our goal is to make you feel welcomed.

Many people have said that they felt very welcomed and not like an "outside" person. We hope that you will feel welcomed by being able to make new friends, being welcomed into conversation with a good community. 

5. Why are you inviting me to the church service?

This is a great question. We could answer this question in a variety of ways. Someone may invite you to church because they know you want to make great new friends, or because you'd like to practice another language. Our greatest reason for inviting you to church, however, is that we believe in Jesus and his word, the Bible.

The Bible teaches us to offer hospitality to one another, serve one another, love one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, and honor one another. 

The most important commandments, according to Jesus, are

Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 
Mark 12:29-31 of the Bible 

God loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. God raised Jesus from the dead so that whoever believes in Jesus could know God and have eternal life with Him in heaven forever. One of the most loving things a Christian can do is tell others about Jesus, and in a Christian church gathering, we talk about and seek to understand, together, Jesus.

We invite you to church so that you can learn more about this and consider these things for yourself!

  • Learn the core beliefs of Christianity through the free First Steps materials found here.

  • Attend a Mustard Seed Christian Church worship service in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, or Kobe or listen to sermons online.

  • Send us a message to meet with a church staff member.


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