自殺の2つの要因とキリスト教的応答 | Two Suicide Causes and Christian Responses
(English below)
ヨハネの福音書 10章10節
デヴィッド・フォスター・ウォレスは アメリカの大学教授であり、有名な作家でした。彼は私が共有したいと思う自殺についてのことを書きました。彼はそれを、火事の炎から逃れるために高いビルから飛び降りようとする人の話をすることで説明しています。
私たちの主イエス・キリストの父である神がほめたたえられますように。神はキリストにあって、天上にあるすべての霊的祝福をもって私たちを祝福してくださいました。 エペソ人への手紙 1章3節
- イエス・キリストの犠牲のおかげで、イエス・キリストを信じる者は新しく造り変えられた者となりました(2コリント5:17)。
- 私たちを神の愛から引き離すものは何もありません(ローマ8:38-39)。
- 聖書は、イエスが悲しみをよくご存知であったことを教えています(イザヤ53:3)。
- すべての被造物がうめいているのは、物事が本来あるべき姿ではないからです(ローマ 8:22)。
- 肉をまとった神であるイエスは、死ぬほど悲しんでおられました(マタイ26:38)。
- イエスは、イエスのもとに来る者は皆、その魂が必要とする安息を見つけると約束されています(マタイ11:28-30)。
これらのことをあなたがたに話したのは、あなたがたがわたしにあって平安を得るためです。世にあっては苦難があります。しかし、勇気を出しなさい。わたしはすでに世に勝ちました。」 ヨハネの福音書 16章33節
ヨハネの黙示録 21章4節**
The topic of suicide is one that, until 2011, I never thought that I would have to personally deal with. My friend had been open and honest about his depression, and even with his difficult temptations, he felt to take his own life. We talked often about how Christ can set him free from that, and he believed that. And one day, he gave in to that temptation. My world, and the world of everyone who knew him, was changed forever. When my best friend took his life, the shock, horror, and numbness that I felt were very real. To this day,l I remember him with sadness and joy as I remember the many fond memories we had together, and lament his tragic passing.
In this blog, I want to give an introduction to the topic of suicide, and then explain what are, I think, two factors that contribute to suicide. I’d like to offer you a Christian point of view to think about these points.
Now, I’m not an expert in mental health. My job is to be an associate pastor. What I do know, however, is that there is great hope that can be found in the midst of any difficult circumstance from God’s Word. Even in the midst of suicide.
Death can be glamorized here in Japan - particularly through suicide. It can be seen as a noble way of ending your life to pay for your own sins or mistakes. Wataru Nishida, a psychologist at Tokyo's Temple University, was quoted by the BBC as saying, “Japan has no history of Christianity so here suicide is not a sin. In fact, some look at it as a way of taking responsibility." This begs the question: responsibility for what? For mistakes? For the ways we’ve hurt other people? For the harmful things we’ve said? These ways that we have failed to live up to God’s law are examples of what the Bible calls sin. So is this true that suicide a valid way of taking responsibility for our sin? Can we actually atone for our sins by taking our own life? Can we be purified by doing anything at all? The Bible very clearly tells us that it is not our own deaths, no matter how noble we try to make them, that pay the penalty for our sins.
The Bible tells us that we are credited as righteous through faith in Jesus Christ. So, it’s true that the problem of sin had to be solved by a sacrifice. The problem is, we are imperfect, sinful, broken humans. Only a perfect sacrifice will work. God knew this, and in love, God sent his son Jesus, who lived a perfect life without sin and died a horrible sinner’s death on the cross. Three days later he was raised from the dead and he is alive today in heaven. Jesus said that Satan is the enemy of this life, in John 10:10 he is described as a thief. Jesus says:
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
In stark contrast to death, Jesus says he wants us to have a full and abundant life. Jesus wants to give you the fullest, most meaningful life possible. Suicide is a sinful means to end our lives, not a noble one. It is not a way of taking responsibility, and it will only result in pain for you and those around you. From the Bible, we know that God has made us, that he has our days planned for us, and our earthly deaths are the result of God’s will, not our own.
Have you heard of Anthony Bourdain? He was an American writer, chef, and television journalist. He was most well-known for writing New York Time’s best-selling books and hosting a TV show where he would travel the world and connect with other people through food. There were few people in the world who had more experiences, had tried more foods, or who had more pictures of themselves in different countries. In early 2018, while working in France for his television show, Anthony Bourdain was found in his hotel room after committing suicide. It shocked many around the world who knew him personally or were fans of his work. Even Barack Obama, who ate with him once in Vietnam, said after his death, “He taught us about food—but more importantly, about its ability to bring us together. To make us a little less afraid of the unknown." He was very respected.
Bourdain’s story is one of so many like it. Success, fame, experience, and wealth don’t seem to be enough for some people to want to keep on living.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, in 2018 (平成30年) suicide was the leading cause of death for males age 10 to 44, and the leading cause of death for females ages 15 to 341. The leading reason that men and women in Japan between the ages of 15-44 died was not because of accidents, disease, famine, or any other unnatural causes. It was because they actively made the incredibly difficult and horrible decision to end their own life. They left behind parents, friends, relatives. 16% of all deaths in Japan in 2018 were suicide2.
Though this is tragic, I think it’s easy to dismiss this and simply think that these people were selfish. When my friend took his own life I went through a phase of anger, thinking he was quite selfish with that decision. Here in Japan, the declining birth rate, the importance of people in the workplace, and many other societal issues are not helped when people decide to take their own life. However, if we are quick to dismiss this action as merely selfish, I think we miss an important opportunity to consider how to help people, or maybe even get the help that we, ourselves, need.
There are so many factors that can contribute to leading someone to want to commit suicide. Due to the complexity of the issue, this isn’t the right place to go deeply into all factors and reasons, but I do want to talk about two factors that can contribute to the feelings of someone committing suicide. The first is:
The Fear of Living
David Foster Wallace was an American college professor and accomplished author. He wrote something about suicide that illustrates this point. He described suicide by talking about someone who might be considering jumping from a tall building to escape a fire:
Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling “Don’t!” and “Hang on!”, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.
Wallace describes the terror of suicide as the lesser of two terrors. There is something that creates “a terror way beyond falling”—a terror beyond the consequences of suicide that compels people to do it anyway. In 2016, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare estimated that 21% of suicides were linked to life difficulties such as debt. A little over 20% also cited family struggles3. These are some of the terrors of life that people face.
And so, the terrors of life that plagued Anthony Bourdain, Haruma Miura, Yuko Takeuchi, or the over 20,000 people who took their own life in Japan in 2018 are real, and yet, Jesus has overcome them. The reasons for depression are often complex and difficult. Research has shown that years of lack of sleep can cause brain damage4. And the causes of depression can take a long time for our bodies to recover from. As Christians, we want to offer people what God has offered us. A safe place to truly be seen, listened to and cared for in the company of others. The message of Jesus Christ offers hope in any of the challenges that life brings.
The next factor that can contribute to someone wanting to commit suicide is:
Society Determining our Value
It’s easy for us to believe that our worth as human beings is determined by our jobs, what college we graduated from, the places we’ve been to, or the amount of money we have. This is actually very different from the Christian Biblical worldview, which says that each and every individual, no matter their status in society, has inherent worth and dignity. God lovingly made each and every person in the world, and therefore we all have inherent value.
Makoto Fujimura, in his book “Culture Care,” addresses this issue of societies determining someone’s worth. Regarding culturally acceptable means of choosing a career, he writes:
“Parents advise their children to major in something “useful” rather than in the humanities, often under threat of withholding financial support. Desiring a sustainable career is noble, but such recommendations debase education—and our humanity. The pragmatic goal of having a useful degree can calcify into a dogma—or worse, reaffirm an unquestioned assumption—that you are only worthwhile if you are useful.”5
Education can be a means of acquiring status within society that we work hard to achieve or even purchase. But what if we end up not being able to achieve our educational and societal goals? Does it mean we are any less valuable? Or, if we achieve them, does it mean we are more valuable than others? Of course not!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
Ephesians 1:3
God has given us a way to have everlasting joy and peace, made possible only by faith in Jesus Christ. But if we don’t have that vision, it becomes dangerously easy for anything and anyone to become not valued at the moment and disposable.
I want to try and give you all some ways to think about this from a Christian perspective. Here are some Bible passages that you can learn from the Bible from. If you don’t have a Bible, please let us know. We’d love to get one to you at no charge.
- Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, those who have faith in Jesus Christ are made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
- Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).
- The Bible tells us that Jesus was well acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3).
- That all of creation groans, because things aren’t what they should be (Romans 8:22).
- Jesus, God in the flesh, was deeply grieved to the point of death (Matthew 26:38).
- Jesus promises that all who come to him will find the rest that their souls need (Matthew 11:28-30).
God understands the sorrows of humanity in a way that is simply amazing.
Jesus said in John 16:33:
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
The Bible also promises that Jesus will:
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Jesus has overcome the problem of sin, and His invitation is to repent of your sins and trust in Him alone.
To learn more about the promises of Jesus Christ and about Christianity, we’d love for you to come visit us for our Sunday gatherings where anyone is welcome. YOu can also check here to see if there is a Mustard Seed Christian Church in your city.
Here is a video clip from a Bible teaching regarding the topic of suicide from Mustard Seed Christian Church.
参考文献 | Sources
Culture Care: Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life by Makoto Fujimura, page 64