神の価値観を現す地域社会の価値観 | Community Values Can Reflect God's Values
私は毎日、住んでいる町の地域社会の価値観を思い起こさせる看板の横を通ります。その価値観とは実際、神が大切にしている価値観でもあるので、私に喜びをもたらします。 私たちの地域社会が、神の愛の真実をお互いに反映し合っていることに感謝しています。 しかし、その多くはまだ神の愛を知りません。 今週のブログで詳細をご覧ください。
Each day I pass a sign that is a reminder of the values of the community I live in, and it brings me joy because it’s actually something God values. I appreciate the way our community reflects the greater truth of God’s love to each other. Many of them, however, don’t know of God’s love yet. More on this week’s blog.
完全に知られ完全に愛されている | Fully Known and Fully Loved
率直に向き合いましょう、人間関係は簡単ではありません。私たちは自分が他の人にどのように見られるかについて心配します。 時々、知らない人が周りにいると恥ずかしかったり、ぎこちなく感じたりします。この人に話しかけるときに敬語を使うべきだろうか?なんて考えたり。完全に知られ、完全に愛されることを想像できますか?
Let's face it; relationships can be difficult. We can find ourselves worrying about how we appear to other people. Sometimes we feel shy or awkward around people we don't know. Should we use polite language when addressing this person, or not? Can you imagine being completely known and completely loved?
不安定さの最中に希望を持つ | Hope in the Midst of Instability
コロナウイルスが原因で、友達と会うお気に入りの場所に行けなくなったかもしれません。家族や友達に、以前と同じように、あるいはもうまったく会えないかもしれません。 ある人々にとっては、状況ははるかに悪いです。 職を失い、愛する人が亡くなりました。これらのことが世界中で起こっているのを見るとき、様々な感情を抱きます。特に、そのようなことが、私たちが愛し、気にかけている人々に起こるとき、痛み感じます。物事は不安定に感じるかもしれません。
Perhaps due to the coronavirus, your favorite place to meet with friends is no longer accessible. Maybe you can't see your family or friends in the same way that you used to, or at all anymore. For some people, the situation is much worse. People have lost their jobs. Loved ones have passed away. It can compound our emotions when we see these things happening all around the world. And, especially when it happens to people we love and care for, it can hurt. Things can feel unstable, right?
キリスト教の祈りの3つのユニークな特徴 | 3 Unique Characteristics of Christian Prayer
So much of what is happening these months is out of our control. What can we do? One common reaction among people across time periods, cultures and religions in times like these is prayer. Many religions incorporate prayer into their way of life. How is Christian prayer different?
全ての人のためのキリスト教 | Christianity is for All People
It makes sense then that often some Japanese people could think that Christianity is a "western" religion. Perhaps one might have the impression that "to be American or European is to be a Christian." The Bible, however, tells us differently.
平和と平安 | What Does "Peace" Mean?
Do you have heian? Do you often think about heian? Is your life marked by fuan (literally: "no peace") or heian?
あなたがここにいることの理由 | There’s a Reason You Are Where You Are
Reading the Bible is an essential discipline. There is much to learn. We can learn about the Church, God, and even something about being stuck inside our homes. Don't believe me, let's read!
誤ったアイデンティティーを持つことの危険性 | The Dangers of a Misplaced Identity
As I was thinking about my irritability, I started to think about what might be causing it. And I concluded that I may be forgetting my identity.
私たちが礼拝するものを明らかにするパンデミック | Pandemics Reveal what we Worship
Stress reveals heart idols. Don’t miss the opportunity to let the pandemic identify your idols so that you can destroy them.
金銭よりも大切なもの | Something More Important Than Money
As you may be struggling with different working hours, working conditions, and care for children who are out of school, perhaps you cannot help but feel nervous about the future global and individual economic situation.
イースターをお祝いする理由 | Why We Celebrate Easter
You may feel that Easter is a foreign celebration in a distant country. However, there are good reasons to celebrate Easter, even for us in Japan.
鬱と戦う方法 | Ways to Fight Depression
There are some causes of depression that are out of our control but there are some causes we can actually put effort towards eliminating.
恩恵ではなく神を求める | Seek God Not Blessings
The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all of your heart. It commands us to seek and love God, not what we can get from God.
約束されていないものを希望を持って待つこと | Waiting in Hope for What Isn’t Promised
If what we are waiting for is not promised, how can we wait in hope?
コロナウイルスに対するクリスチャンの反応 | A Christian Response to Covid-19
全てのことにおいてクリスチャンとして私たちの反応はイエス・キリストの福音への信仰に根ざしているべきです。 私たちはイエス・キリストの人生、死、復活ゆえの、揺るぎない愛があることを知っています。
In all things, as Christians, our responses should be rooted in faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We know that because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we have an unshakeable love.
コロナウイルスによる学校閉鎖の間に子供と前向きに時間を過ごす7つの方法 | 7 Ways to Thrive with Kids at Home During the Coronavirus School Closure
あなたが通常なら学校がある日に子供と一緒に家にいることになった親でしたら、ここに数週間なんとかやり過ごすだけでなく、この状況を最大限に活用して、学校閉鎖の間に良く生きるための役立つヒントが幾つかあります 。
If you are a parent who finds themselves at home with their kids on what would normally be a school day, here are some tips to help you not just survive these next few weeks, but to make the very of most this situation and thrive during the school closures.