全ての人のためのキリスト教 | Christianity is for All People
(English below)
創世記12:3 ”わたしは、あなたを祝福する者を祝福し、あなたを呪う者をのろう。地のすべての部族は、あなたによって祝福される。”
神はここでアブラムに語られてます。 アブラムは非常に年をとっていて、彼を通して与えられる、すべての人々が祝福される子供を切望していた人です。すべての人々とは日本も含みます!
創世記22:18 “あなたの子孫によって、地のすべての国々は祝福を受けるようになる。あなたが、わたしの声に聞き従ったからである。”
詩篇86:9 “主よ あなたが造られたすべての国々は あなたの御前に来て 伏し拝み あなたの御名をあがめます。”
マタイの福音書28:19 “ですから、あなたがたは行って、あらゆる国の人々を弟子としなさい。父、子、聖霊の名において彼らにバプテスマを授け、”
これはイエスからイエスの弟子たちへの最後の命令です。 イエスは彼らに行って神についての真実をすべての国、つまりすべての民族に教えてほしいと願っています。
そして、同じ聖書の本の中に、すべてのクリスチャンにとっての素晴らしい約束が書かれています。 神ご自身が私たちと共にいて、すべての涙を私たちの目から拭き取ってくださると書かれています。 もう死はありません。もう泣くことはありません。もう痛みはありません。私たちは神と他のすべての国との完全な平和を持ちます。 自分中での内なる平安と、まことの神と神を信じるすべての人との外との平和、両方をもつことができます。
イエスの生涯、死、復活のこの素晴らしい福音は、この記事を読むあなたを含む一人一人のためのものです。 イエスは神との完全な関係を持つ唯一の完全な人でしたが、信仰によって私たちがまことの神と関係を持つことができるように、私たちの代わりに苦しみ、死なれました。
Did you know that Jesus wasn't born in the west? Jesus did not grow up in the streets of New York, California, Washington nor anywhere in Europe. Where, then, did Jesus spend his life on earth?
If you grew up in Japan in a typical family, you likely occasionally visited shrines and temples. The family of the oldest son often has a family Buddhist altar, a small Shinto shrine, or both in his home. Most of our friends in Japan say that to be Japanese is to participate in yearly visits to Buddhist and Shinto places of worship around New Year's. Holidays such as Obon have religious roots as well.
It makes sense then that often some Japanese people could think that Christianity is a "western" religion. Perhaps one might have the impression that "to be American or European is to be a Christian." The Bible, however, tells us differently. It tells us that Jesus was born in Israel, which lies between Africa and Asia. Through the Mediterranean Sea, it also shares a border with Turkey which in turn shares a border with the European continent. It seems Jesus' birthplace and country of origin are not so “western.”
Let's take a look at some verses in the Bible to help illustrate that the truth of the Christian God is for all people.
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
God speaks to Abram here, a man who was very old and longed for children that through him all people would be blessed, this includes Japan!
Genesis 22:18 “And in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.“
God tells Abraham (the same person as Abram above!) that God will bless all nations. He means the whole world, including Japan!
Psalm 86:9 “All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.”
This is from a prayer and worship song in the Bible that expresses God's focus on all different kinds of people, not just the west.
Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
These are Jesus' final commands to his disciples. Jesus wants them to go and teach the truth about God to all nations, meaning every people group.
Finally, one of Jesus' disciples wrote that there are people of all nations in heaven. (Revelation 7: 9)
And there is a great promise for every Christian in that same book of the Bible. It is written that God Himself will be with us and will wipe every tear away from our eyes. There will be no more death. There will be no more crying. No more pain. We will have perfect peace with God and all the other nations. We will have both inner peace within ourselves and outer peace with the one true God and everyone who believes in Him.
May these words from the Bible help all of us understand that Christianity is not merely a "Western" religion. Nor is it an African religion. It didn't originate in any place on Earth, so it isn't confined to any place. This beautiful gospel of Jesus' life, death and resurrection is for every individual, including you, the reader. Jesus was the only perfect person with a perfect relationship with God, yet he suffered and died in our place so that we by faith might have a relationship with the one, true God.
If you want to know more about God we Christians believe, please consider the following to learn more: