完全に知られ完全に愛されている | Fully Known and Fully Loved


(English below)

率直に向き合いましょう、人間関係は簡単ではありません。私たちは自分が他の人にどのように見られるかについて心配します。 時々、知らない人が周りにいると恥ずかしかったり、ぎこちなく感じたりします。この人に話しかけるときに敬語を使うべきだろうか?なんて考えたり。完全に知られ、完全に愛されることを想像できますか?



尋ねられたとしても、完璧な人間であると主張する人はほとんどいません。私たちは誇りに思えないようなことを全てしてきました。それらを隠したいのは当然です。”本音”や”建前”など、本当の思いや気持ちを隠す言葉まであります。 おそらく建前を立てるのは、人間関係を穏便に済ませ、本当の考えや感情を表せば、他の人から否定的に捉えられるのではないかと恐れているからです。

誰かがあなたのことをすべて知っていると言ったらどうしますか? あなたのすべてをです! そほとんどの人は、もしすべてが知られているのなら、心配だし恥ずかしいと感じるでしょう。 しかし、福音は私たちが完全に神に知られ、それでも完全に愛されていると語っています。これは本当に良い知らせです。



聖書によると、誰もが罪を犯しました。罪とは何でしょう?それは、神が尊重されない、私たちが言うこと、行うこと、または考えたり思うことです。 神との関係よりも私たちの人間関係を大切にすることは罪です。

私たちは罪を神から隠すことはできません。 神様とは、本音と建前ができません。




私たちは罪を犯しているので、死に値します。 ただし、次のような良い知らせがあります。


私たちがまだ神に対して罪を犯していたときでさえ、神は私たちのために死ぬように神の一人子イエスを送ることによって私たちへの神の愛を示しました。 イエスは3日後に墓からよみがえり、イエスを信じる者はすべての罪の赦しを受けます。


Let's face it; relationships can be difficult. We can find ourselves worrying about how we appear to other people. Sometimes we feel shy or awkward around people we don't know. Should we use polite language when addressing this person, or not? Can you imagine being completely known and completely loved?

One Sunday evening, at the end of a Bible study, I asked the group members if they had any prayer requests. My non-Christian friend answered that he'd like for me to pray for his "interpersonal relationships." The pattern of people responding to that question in this way was something I began to take notice of. 

It's easy to forget that many others feel the same way. The Japanese government estimates that there are at least 1 million "shut-ins" as of 2019. For over a million people in Japan, it's easier to shut yourself in than go and face the pressures of the world, including relationships with others.

If asked, very few people would ever claim to be perfect human beings. We have all done things we are not proud of doing. It is natural to want to hide these things. There are even words like "honne" and "tatemae" which describe hiding true thoughts and feelings. Perhaps we do this because we want to protect our interpersonal relationships and feel scared that our true thoughts and emotions would make others think negatively of us.

What if I told you someone knows everything about you? Everything! Most might feel worried or embarrassed at the thought of this. However, this is actually good news because the gospel tells us that we are fully known by God and yet fully loved.

Let's take a look at what the Bible says on this topic.

Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

According to the Bible, everyone has sinned. What is sin? It is anything that we say, do, or think that does not honor God. Caring more about our human relationships than our relationship with God is sin. We cannot hide our sins from God. With God, there is no honne and tatemae. Hebrews 4:13"And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." The Bible says that God knows all of our sinful thoughts and emotions. This by itself is bad news, but the Christian message doesn't end there.

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Because we sin, we deserve death. However, we have this good news:

Romans 5:8
"But God shows His love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Even while we were still sinning against God, He showed His love for us by sending His only Son Jesus to die in our place. Jesus rose from the grave three days later, and whoever believes in Jesus receives forgiveness for all sin.

Those who believe in Jesus rejoice that they are both fully known AND fully loved.

  • Learn the core beliefs of Christianity through the free First Steps materials found here.

  • Attend a Mustard Seed Christian Church worship service in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, or Kobe or listen to sermons online.

  • Send us a message to meet with a church staff member.


神の価値観を現す地域社会の価値観 | Community Values Can Reflect God's Values


不安定さの最中に希望を持つ | Hope in the Midst of Instability