Becoming a Member
MUSTARD SEEDクリスチャン教会のメンバーシッ プは、当教会の信仰宣言、使命、価値観に同意しており、また歴史に継続している聖書的なキ リスト教に首尾一貫した信 仰を告白する地域教会であるキリスト教の教 会の一部となるために洗礼を受けた、キリスト教の信仰を告白する者に 開 かれている。教会メンバーはまた、定期的に日曜礼拝に参列し、神の 栄光のために賜物を用い、みずからの内的動機から 献金をして犠牲的に 貢献する。また、能動的で健康的なキリスト者としての生活に献身す る。
All Christians should be a member of a local church.
Membership in Mustard Seed Christian Church is open to all persons of the Christian faith who are in agreement with the church’s statement of faith, mission, and values and who have been baptized into the Christian church with a local church that professes a faith consistent with historic, Biblical Christianity. Members also commit to regular attendance, using their gifts to the glory of God, and joyfully and sacrificially contributing offering out of their own compulsion. Members also commit to an active, healthy, and personal Christian life.
While members are required to be in agreement with all of our core beliefs, we have no expectation that everyone who attends our church holds all of these beliefs. You do not have to be a Christian to attend our church gathering and all people are welcome to join, participate, and learn together.
The Process of Becoming a Member
メンバーになりたいと願う方は、信仰告白書、ミッション、および価値観をすべて読む必要があります。メンバーシップ取得を考えている者は、牧師の面談を受け、この書類に 述べられている基準を満たしていると認められ るか判断される。それから教会メンバーとして一般公開されている教会名簿に登録される。
メンバーシップは事由を牧師に知らせた上でいかなるときでも破棄、移 転することができる。
教会メンバーシップは教会メンバーがある特定の罪において悔い改めに 向かう合理的な努力を拒否するなら、喪失する こともある。牧師たちは 匿名ではない方法で、ある者から教会メンバーシップが取り除かれるこ とに同意し、そうすると きも神のことばである聖書に則って生きるよう そのメンバーに助言をしようと幾度となく試みたあとでなければならな い。牧師たちは問題になっている罪をやめるようそのメンバーを指導す るだけでなく、そのメンバーに問題になっている 罪を克服する方向に進む努力のための十分な援助とサポートを与える段階的処置を取らなけれ ばならない (マタイの福 音書18章15-20節)。
Anyone who desires to become a member must read through our statement of faith, mission, and values. Prospective members shall be examined by a pastor and admitted if they meet the criteria stated in this document. Members will then be added to the church directory that is viewable to all church staff, pastors, elders, and members.
Membership may be forfeited or transferred at any time by notifying a pastor of the reason for doing so.
Church membership may also be lost if the member refuses to put reasonable effort towards repentance of any certain sin. The pastors must unanimously agree to remove someone from church membership and will only do so after multiple attempts to counsel the member to live according to God’s Word, the Bible. The pastors must not only instruct the member to put a stop to the sin in question but must also take steps to provide the church member with the adequate assistance and support needed to make effort towards overcoming the sin in question. (Matthew 18:15-20)
Please read through our core beliefs, mission statement, and church values. All members must be in full agreement with these statements.
Mission Statement & Values -
After reading through the membership items in the section above, please use this link to set up a time to talk with a pastor. You will be asked about our core beliefs as well as some questions about yourself. These questions are not meant as a test, but for us to best be able to get to know you, help you live out your faith, and know how to help you be a part of our church.
After you meet with a pastor and confirm you agree with our membership guidelines, we will have you sign a membership book, confirming your status as a member of Mustard Seed Christian Church Tokyo.