キリストに成長する Grow in Christ

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ルカの福音書 | Luke

ルカの福音書の教えのシリーズを開始します。 日曜の朝の集まりには、どなたでもご参加いただけます。
We are teaching through the gospel of Luke. Anyone is welcome to join us on Sunday mornings.

Sunday messages can be found here.

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平日のバイブルスタディー | Midweek Bible Study

週を通して夕方、ズームで集まり一緒に聖書を学び、お互いのために祈る機会があります。 バイブルスタディーは日本語と英語で
Throughout the week in the evenings, there are opportunities to gather on Zoom to study the Bible together and pray for one another. Bible Studies happen in both Japanese and English.

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隣人を愛する | Love Your Neighbor

Extended times at home is a great opportunity to obey the Bible and love our neighbors as ourselves. We will be providing resources to help equip you think of creative ways to share the gospel with your neighbors, and your family.