ストーリー Stories

Short videos to help you learn about Christianity.


福音 | The Gospel

イースターとは? | What is Easter?

クリスチャンとしての人生を評価すること | Evaluating Your Life as a Christian

強制的にクリスチャンになることは可能か | Is it possible to be forced to be a Christian?


クリスマスの意味 | The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is a time when people extend kindness to one another, share romance and affection, exchange gifts, look at beautiful lights, and more. Have you ever wondered why? Did you know that Christmas is a day when many, many people around the world visit Christian churches? It’s a time when the world celebrates the good news of Jesus.


自殺 | Suicide

Suicide is a tragic thing in our world. What is a Christian response to suicide?

To learn more, check out this blog.


仏教とキリスト教の違い | Difference Between Buddhism and Christianity

What is a big difference between Buddhism and Christianity?


イエス様のようなしもべになること | Being a servant like Jesus


家族で初めてクリスチャンになること | Being the First Christian in your family.

家族の中で初めてのことをする人になるのは勇気が要るかもしれません。 特に最初のクリスチャンになることは。
Being the first person to do something in your family can be scary. Especially being the first Christian.


不平や不満 | Grumbling and Complaining

What should a follower of Jesus do about grumbling and complaining?


なぜ神を知ることにこだわる必要があるのでしょうか? | Why Should You Care to Know About God?